Unleash the Power of Customization with

SDK API for Enterprise

We're thrilled to introduce our Software Development Kit (SDK) API for our Enterprise POS software

A powerful tool that puts customization and control in your hands

What is Pulsar SDK API?

Our SDK API empowers businesses to tailor their POS experience to meet specific requirements and integrate seamlessly with other systems. Whether you're a large-scale enterprise or a growing business, our SDK API provides the flexibility you need to elevate your POS solution to new heights.

Features and Benefits

We constantly add new features to help you stay up to date with the technology you need
  • Customization at Your Fingertips
  • Integrate with Existing Systems
  • Scalability for Growth
  • Enhanced Security

Discover How it works?

SDK Integration
Our team works closely with your developers to integrate the SDK seamlessly into your existing infrastructure.
Leverage the SDK to customize the POS solution according to your enterprise's unique requirements. Adjust workflows, user interfaces, and functionalities with ease.
Testing and Deployment
Rigorous testing ensures that your customized POS solution performs flawlessly. Once approved, the tailored system is deployed across your enterprise.
Ongoing Support
Our support team is here to assist you throughout the process and beyond. Whether it's updates, troubleshooting, or additional customization, we're committed to ensuring your POS system meets the evolving needs of your enterprise.


3000 EGP/year
Cloud POS
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3000 EGP/year
+8000 EGP/for the terminal
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Ready to take control of your enterprise POS solution?

Contact us today to explore how our SDK API can revolutionize the way you do business.

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